Walks from the Cottage
Whilst many of our guests are seasoned walkers and know the area well, we have put a few walks together that can be done from the cottage door without taking the car. In addition we have included a walk from Ambleside and a great family walk from Windermere.
The Lake District can be very wet and muddy so always wear suitable footwear and take a waterproof. The weather can change very quickly we recommend you check the forecast at the Lake District Weatherline. http://www.lakedistrictweatherline.co.uk before venturing out
Don’t venture on the fells above the cloud line or in mist unless you are competent with a map and compass.
CIRULAR WALK TO TROUTBECK (3.5 Miles. 2½ Hours) Directions , Map
WALK TO AMBLESIDE VIA JENKINS CRAG (3 Miles. 2 Hours plus return on bus) Directions . Map
WALK DOWN TO THE LAKE SHORE & BROCKHOLE (1.2 Miles, 1 Hour) Directions and map
WALK OVER WANSFELL PIKE TO AMBLESIDE VIA STOCK GHYLL FORCE (4.1 Miles, 2½ – 3 Hours plus return on bus) Directions , Map
WALK TO ORREST HEAD (2.7 Miles, 1½ Hours) Directions and map
LOUGHRIGG CIRCUIT WALK FROM AMBLESIDE (7 Miles, 3½ – 4½ Hours) Directions , Map
LINEAR WALK TO WINDERMERE (4 Miles, 2½ – 3 Hours) Directions , Map